Package 'inspectdf'

Title: Inspection, Comparison and Visualisation of Data Frames
Description: A collection of utilities for columnwise summary, comparison and visualisation of data frames. Functions report missingness, categorical levels, numeric distribution, correlation, column types and memory usage.
Authors: Alastair Rushworth [aut, cre], David Wilkins [ctb]
Maintainer: Alastair Rushworth <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.0.12
Built: 2025-01-27 05:25:53 UTC

Help Index

Summary and comparison of the levels in categorical columns


For a single dataframe, summarise the levels of each categorical column. If two dataframes are supplied, compare the levels of categorical features that appear in both dataframes. For grouped dataframes, summarise the levels of categorical features separately for each group.


inspect_cat(df1, df2 = NULL, include_int = FALSE)



A dataframe.


An optional second data frame for comparing categorical levels. Defaults to NULL.


Logical flag - whether to treat integer columns as categories. Default is FALSE.


For a single dataframe, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • col_name, character vector containing column names of df1.

  • cnt integer column containing count of unique levels found in each column, including NA.

  • common, a character column containing the name of the most common level.

  • common_pcnt, the percentage of each column occupied by the most common level shown in common.

  • levels, a named list containing relative frequency tibbles for each feature.

For a pair of dataframes, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • col_name, character vector containing names of columns appearing in both df1 and df2.

  • jsd, a numeric column containing the Jensen-Shannon divergence. This measures the difference in relative frequencies of levels in a pair of categorical features. Values near to 0 indicate agreement of the distributions, while 1 indicates disagreement.

  • pval, the p-value corresponding to a NHT that the true frequencies of the categories are equal. A small p indicates evidence that the the two sets of relative frequencies are actually different. The test is based on a modified Chi-squared statistic.

  • lvls_1, lvls_2, the relative frequency of levels in each of df1 and df2.

For a grouped dataframe, the tibble returned is as for a single dataframe, but where the first k columns are the grouping columns. There will be as many rows in the result as there are unique combinations of the grouping variables.


A tibble summarising or comparing the categorical features in one or a pair of dataframes.


Alastair Rushworth

See Also

inspect_imb, show_plot


# Load dplyr for starwars data & pipe

# Single dataframe summary

# Paired dataframe comparison
inspect_cat(starwars, starwars[1:20, ])

# Grouped dataframe summary
starwars %>% group_by(gender) %>% inspect_cat()

Tidy correlation coefficients for numeric dataframe columns


Summarise and compare Pearson, Kendall and Spearman correlations for numeric columns in one, two or grouped dataframes.


inspect_cor(df1, df2 = NULL, method = "pearson", with_col = NULL, alpha = 0.05)



A data frame.


An optional second data frame for comparing correlation coefficients. Defaults to NULL.


a character string indicating which type of correlation coefficient to use, one of "pearson", "kendall", or "spearman", which can be abbreviated.


Character vector of column names to calculate correlations with all other numeric features. The default with_col = NULL returns all pairs of correlations.


Alpha level for correlation confidence intervals. Defaults to 0.05.


When df2 = NULL, a tibble containing correlation coefficients for df1 is returned:

  • col_1, co1_2 character vectors containing names of numeric columns in df1.

  • corr the calculated correlation coefficient.

  • p_value p-value associated with a test where the null hypothesis is that the numeric pair have 0 correlation.

  • lower, upper lower and upper values of the confidence interval for the correlations.

  • pcnt_nna the number of pairs of observations that were non missing for each pair of columns. The correlation calculation used by inspect_cor() uses only pairwise complete observations.

If df1 has class grouped_df, then correlations will be calculated within the grouping levels and the tibble returned will have an additional column corresponding to the group labels.

When both df1 and df2 are specified, the tibble returned contains a comparison of the correlation coefficients across pairs of columns common to both dataframes.

  • col_1, co1_2 character vectors containing names of numeric columns in either df1 or df2.

  • corr_1, corr_2 numeric columns containing correlation coefficients from df1 and df2, respectively.

  • p_value p-value associated with the null hypothesis that the two correlation coefficients are the same. Small values indicate that the true correlation coefficients differ between the two dataframes.

Note that confidence intervals for kendall and spearman assume a normal sampling distribution for the Fisher z-transform of the correlation.


A tibble summarising and comparing the correlations for each numeric column in one or a pair of data frames.


# Load dplyr for starwars data & pipe

# Single dataframe summary
# Only show correlations with 'mass' column
inspect_cor(starwars, with_col = "mass")

# Paired dataframe summary
inspect_cor(starwars, starwars[1:10, ])

# NOT RUN - change in correlation over time
# library(dplyr)
# tech_grp <- tech %>% 
#         group_by(year) %>%
#         inspect_cor()
# tech_grp %>% show_plot()

Summary and comparison of the most common levels in categorical columns


For a single dataframe, summarise the most common level in each categorical column. If two dataframes are supplied, compare the most common levels of categorical features appearing in both dataframes. For grouped dataframes, summarise the levels of categorical columns in the dataframe split by group.


inspect_imb(df1, df2 = NULL, include_na = FALSE)



A dataframe.


An optional second data frame for comparing columnwise imbalance. Defaults to NULL.


Logical flag, whether to include missing values as a unique level. Default is FALSE - to ignore NA values.


For a single dataframe, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • col_name, a character vector containing column names of df1.

  • value, a character vector containing the most common categorical level in each column of df1.

  • pcnt, the relative frequency of each column's most common categorical level expressed as a percentage.

  • cnt, the number of occurrences of the most common categorical level in each column of df1.

For a pair of dataframes, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • col_name, a character vector containing names of the unique columns in df1 and df2.

  • value, a character vector containing the most common categorical level in each column of df1.

  • pcnt_1, pcnt_2, the percentage occurrence of value in the column col_name for each of df1 and df2, respectively.

  • cnt_1, cnt_2, the number of occurrences of of value in the column col_name for each of df1 and df2, respectively.

  • p_value, p-value associated with the null hypothesis that the true rate of occurrence is the same for both dataframes. Small values indicate stronger evidence of a difference in the rate of occurrence.

For a grouped dataframe, the tibble returned is as for a single dataframe, but where the first k columns are the grouping columns. There will be as many rows in the result as there are unique combinations of the grouping variables.


A tibble summarising and comparing the imbalance for each categorical column in one or a pair of dataframes.


Alastair Rushworth

See Also

inspect_cat, show_plot


# Load dplyr for starwars data & pipe

# Single dataframe summary

# Paired dataframe comparison
inspect_imb(starwars, starwars[1:20, ])

# Grouped dataframe summary
starwars %>% group_by(gender) %>% inspect_imb()

Summary and comparison of memory usage of dataframe columns


For a single dataframe, summarise the memory usage in each column. If two dataframes are supplied, compare memory usage for columns appearing in both dataframes. For grouped dataframes, summarise the memory usage separately for each group.


inspect_mem(df1, df2 = NULL)



A data frame.


An optional second data frame with which to comparing memory usage. Defaults to NULL.


For a single dataframe, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • col_name, a character vector containing column names of df1.

  • bytes, integer vector containing the number of bytes in each column of df1.

  • size, a character vector containing display-friendly memory usage of each column.

  • pcnt, the percentage of the dataframe's total memory footprint used by each column.

For a pair of dataframes, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • col_name, a character vector containing column names of df1 and df2.

  • size_1, size_2, a character vector containing memory usage of each column in each of df1 and df2.

  • pcnt_1, pcnt_2, the percentage of total memory usage of each column within each of df1 and df2.

For a grouped dataframe, the tibble returned is as for a single dataframe, but where the first k columns are the grouping columns. There will be as many rows in the result as there are unique combinations of the grouping variables.


A tibble summarising and comparing the columnwise memory usage for one or a pair of data frames.


Alastair Rushworth

See Also



# Load dplyr for starwars data & pipe

# Single dataframe summary

# Paired dataframe comparison
inspect_mem(starwars, starwars[1:20, ])

# Grouped dataframe summary
starwars %>% group_by(gender) %>% inspect_mem()

Summary and comparison of the rate of missingness across dataframe columns


For a single dataframe, summarise the rate of missingness in each column. If two dataframes are supplied, compare missingness for columns appearing in both dataframes. For grouped dataframes, summarise the rate of missingness separately for each group.


inspect_na(df1, df2 = NULL)



A data frame


An optional second data frame for making columnwise comparison of missingness. Defaults to NULL.


For a single dataframe, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • col_name, a character vector containing column names of df1.

  • cnt, an integer vector containing the number of missing values by column.

  • pcnt, the percentage of records in each columns that is missing.

For a pair of dataframes, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • col_name, the name of the columns occurring in either df1 or df2.

  • cnt_1, cnt_2, a pair of integer vectors containing counts of missing entries for each column in df1 and df2.

  • pcnt_1, pcnt_2, a pair of columns containing percentage of missing entries for each column in df1 and df2.

  • p_value, the p-value associated with test of equivalence of rates of missingness. Small values indicate evidence that the rate of missingness differs for a column occurring in both df1 and df2.

For a grouped dataframe, the tibble returned is as for a single dataframe, but where the first k columns are the grouping columns. There will be as many rows in the result as there are unique combinations of the grouping variables.


A tibble summarising the count and percentage of columnwise missingness for one or a pair of data frames.


Alastair Rushworth

See Also



# Load dplyr for starwars data & pipe

# Single dataframe summary

# Paired dataframe comparison
inspect_na(starwars, starwars[1:20, ])

# Grouped dataframe summary
starwars %>% group_by(gender) %>% inspect_na()

Summary and comparison of numeric columns


For a single dataframe, summarise the numeric columns. If two dataframes are supplied, compare numeric columns appearing in both dataframes. For grouped dataframes, summarise numeric columns separately for each group.


inspect_num(df1, df2 = NULL, breaks = 20, include_int = TRUE)



A dataframe.


An optional second dataframe for comparing categorical levels. Defaults to NULL.


Integer number of breaks used for histogram bins, passed to graphics::hist(). Defaults to 20.


Logical flag, whether to include integer columns in numeric summaries. Defaults to TRUE. hist(..., breaks). See ?hist for more details.


For a single dataframe, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • col_name, a character vector containing the column names in df1

  • min, q1, median, mean, q3, max and sd, the minimum, lower quartile, median, mean, upper quartile, maximum and standard deviation for each numeric column.

  • pcnt_na, the percentage of each numeric feature that is missing

  • hist, a named list of tibbles containing the relative frequency of values falling in bins determined by breaks.

For a pair of dataframes, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • col_name, a character vector containing the column names in df1 and df2

  • hist_1, hist_2, a list column for histograms of each of df1 and df2. Where a column appears in both dataframe, the bins used for df1 are reused to calculate histograms for df2.

  • jsd, a numeric column containing the Jensen-Shannon divergence. This measures the difference in distribution of a pair of binned numeric features. Values near to 0 indicate agreement of the distributions, while 1 indicates disagreement.

  • pval, the p-value corresponding to a NHT that the true frequencies of histogram bins are equal. A small p indicates evidence that the the two sets of relative frequencies are actually different. The test is based on a modified Chi-squared statistic.

For a grouped dataframe, the tibble returned is as for a single dataframe, but where the first k columns are the grouping columns. There will be as many rows in the result as there are unique combinations of the grouping variables.


A tibble containing statistical summaries of the numeric columns of df1, or comparing the histograms of df1 and df2.


Alastair Rushworth

See Also



# Load dplyr for starwars data & pipe

# Single dataframe summary

# Paired dataframe comparison
inspect_num(starwars, starwars[1:20, ])

# Grouped dataframe summary
starwars %>% group_by(gender) %>% inspect_num()

Summary and comparison of column types


For a single dataframe, summarise the column types. If two dataframes are supplied, compare column type composition of both dataframes.


inspect_types(df1, df2 = NULL, compare_index = FALSE)



A dataframe.


An optional second dataframe for comparison.


Whether to check column positions as well as types when comparing dataframes. Defaults to FALSE.


For a single dataframe, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • type, a character vector containing the column types in df1.

  • cnt, integer counts of each type.

  • pcnt, the percentage of all columns with each type.

  • col_name, the names of columns with each type.

For a pair of dataframes, the tibble returned contains the columns:

  • type, a character vector containing the column types in df1 and df2.

  • cnt_1, cnt_2, pair of integer columns containing counts of each type - in each of df1 and df2

For a grouped dataframe, the tibble returned is as for a single dataframe, but where the first k columns are the grouping columns. There will be as many rows in the result as there are unique combinations of the grouping variables.


A tibble summarising the count and percentage of different column types for one or a pair of data frames.


Alastair Rushworth

See Also



# Load dplyr for starwars data & pipe

# Single dataframe summary

# Paired dataframe comparison
inspect_types(starwars, starwars[1:20, ])

Simple graphical inspection of dataframe summaries


Easily visualise output from inspect_*() functions.


show_plot(x, ...)



Dataframe resulting from the output of an inspect_*() function.


Optional arguments that modify the plot output, see Details.


Generic arguments for all plot type


Boolean. Whether to show text annotation on plots. Defaults to TRUE.


Character string or character vector specifying colors for text annotation, if applicable. Usually defaults to white and gray.


Numeric value specifying angle with which to rotate text annotation, if applicable. Defaults to 90 for most plots.


Numeric value specifying font size for text annotation, if applicable.


Integer indicating the colour palette to use: 0: (default) 'ggplot2' color palette, 1: colorblind friendly palette, 2: 80s theme, 3: rainbow theme, 4: mario theme, 5: pokemon theme

Arguments for plotting inspect_cat()


Minimum number of occurrences of category to be shown as a distinct segment in the plot (inspect_cat() only). Default is 0 - all distinct levels are shown. Setting high_cardinality > 0 can speed up plot rendering when categorical columns contain many near-unique values.


Minimum occurrence frequency of category for a text label to be shown. Smaller values of label_thresh will show labels for less common categories but at the expense of increased plot rendering time. Defaults to 0.1.

Other arguments


Experimental. Integer determining plot type to print. Defaults to 1.


Vector specifying the number of rows and columns in the plotting grid. For example, 3 rows and 2 columns would be specified as plot_layout = c(3, 2).


# Load 'starwars' data
data("starwars", package = "dplyr")

# Horizontal bar plot for categorical column composition
x <- inspect_cat(starwars) 

# Correlation betwee numeric columns + confidence intervals
x <- inspect_cor(starwars)

# Bar plot of most frequent category for each categorical column
x <- inspect_imb(starwars)

# Bar plot showing memory usage for each column
x <- inspect_mem(starwars)

# Occurence of NAs in each column ranked in descending order
x <- inspect_na(starwars)

# Histograms for numeric columns
x <- inspect_num(starwars)

# Barplot of column types
x <- inspect_types(starwars)

Tech stocks closing prices


Daily closing stock prices of the three tech companies Microsoft, Apple and IBM between 2007 and 2019.




A dataframe with 3158 rows and 6 columns.


Data gathered using the quantmod package.


# NOT RUN - change in correlation over time
# library(dplyr)
# tech_grp <- tech %>% 
#         group_by(year) %>%
#         inspect_cor()
# tech_grp %>% show_plot()